Saturday, January 6, 2007

2008 is Coming...Get Active

If you are not already sick of hearing about the election in soon will be, because the banter has started earlier than ever.

I find it odd that both parties are already naming their front runners before most of the people know much if anything about the candidates. Think about it...they haven't even started on the campaign trail. At this point, the polls only show people's limited view and knowledge on the candidate. At this point in 1991, Clinton was no where on the radar...much less a front runner.

Today I want to encourage everyone to GET ACTIVE. Don't sit by and let others tell you what the candidates believe in. Don't let them put their thoughts about a candidate in your mind when they haven't done any reading or put any thought into it themselves.

I encourage you, no matter your party affiliation, to get active. Go online and read..and view video excerpts. There is so much information out there on every candidate. The nightly news newspapers, and the talk shows won't do it alone. Pull speech transcripts, pull video, and get to know these candidates.

Once you have decided who you feel is best for this country get the word out. Put the sign in your hard or window of your apartment. Put the bumper sticker on your car...and talk about the candidate to others until you are blue in the face.

Rest soon as I know this blog will be consumed with me pointing you in my direction!

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

Many times I've seen the "front runners" announced this far out. Once in a while, they're still in the race when it's time to vote!

I will check them out and I will read your opinions but I am not buying any bumper stickers. (I never know if I'll still have that car on election day.)