Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just a proud Daddy

Yesterday E comes home from school and tells Heather that they have given her first in a series of tests for gifted. E tells H that she thought she did well.

When H gets home the phone is ringing and it's E teacher...Ms. S. Ms. S tells H that E was given an IQ test. An average score is 90 - 109 and that she needs to score above 130 to move onto the next test. Ms. S is very excited...E got 149!!!

Now...H says to tell you all that does not mean she will get into gifted. And truthfully, I am probably giving her bad luck in telling this, but I'm just a proud Daddy!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Way to go E! I can't wait for the results of her next test.

LoryKC said...

Go E!