Sunday, January 7, 2007


I was at the folks house yesterday talking with my father yesterday and he was telling me of a conversation he had with a friend about global warming and more so...the movie An Inconvenient Truth.

Basically, this was the bottom line. She didn't like Al Gore. The movie is not about Al Gore or all of his political views. It's about the of his political views, but it's not like it's a partisan movie like Fahrenheit 9/11. It's a movie to snap people to into action.

If you haven't seen it you should! I wish it would have come out 25 years ago, so we would have more time to act. We know the ice is melting and the water is rising. People will say...oh that's 50 years away...or 100 years away. I guess what that means is I don't give a crap, because I'll be dead and I'll just leave that problem for someone else to fix. I'm sure the future generations of this planet really appreciate that perspective.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

I haven't seen it but it's on my list!
(While I DO believe my children are brilliant, I'd like to try to do something, if I can, so it isn't all left up to them, and their kids...)